Welcome to our Club!
Scotts Valley

Service Above Self

We meet In Person
Mondays at 12:15 p.m.
Four Points by Sheraton Hotel
5030 Scotts Valley Drive
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
United States of America
(831) 334-2383
Monday meetings on the 1rst Mondays of the month at new location: Four Points by Sheraton Hotel in Scotts Valley, CA. We offer Zoom on all mtgs. 5th Monday is a Social. Please contact President Patrizia Materassi at (831) 334-2383
Home Page Stories
The Rotary Club of Scotts Valley is a humanitarian service and leadership club. Now offering, a Corporate membership that allows the business owner, organization and their employees the chance to learn about the needs of their community so they can serve it well while experiencing the personal satisfaction of knowing they’re helping others.

Rotary provides invaluable opportunities for taking on leadership roles while providing networking opportunities and mentoring.

This membership level is more affordable and requires a smaller time commitment by allowing staff to rotate attendance at the weekly meetings! Meetings are every Monday from Noon-1:15 PM virtually via zoom and in-person on the last Monday of the month outside the Scotts Valley Chamber of Commerce Courtyard or at a member’s backyard. To visit a Rotary meeting as a guest or learn more about joining, contact Club President, Patrizia Materassi at 831-334-2383 or email mpatrizia2@gmail.com to learn more and receive an Agenda and meeting zoom link.
Rotarian volunteers helping at the Holiday Lighting Festival on December 4th, serving hot coco and cookies!
😊 Very fun party with hundreds of children taking a picture with the Santa Claus family! A great community event!
Crispy cold, majestic trees, and lots of fun at our "social" walk of the Redwoods Loop at the Henry Cowell's Park!
The giant Redwood trees never stop to amaze us!
Rod Diridon, Sr. Emeritus Executive Director of the Mineta Transportation Institute, and Chair of the Rotary Climate Action Council, made a great presentation to our club, showing how each of us can help reduce Climate Change.
He showed how important is to reduce emissions from the Transportation Sector within the next decade before Earth's tipping point.
Showed how he has been doing his part and encourage each of us do ours!
Scotts Valley Rotary Service Day was very successful doubling the volunteer hours originally estimated! Well done! Congratulations to all the members who volunteered their time and to the club for support. Together we do make a difference!
Patrizia Materassi cleaning up the beach at Cowells and the Boardwalk. Patrizia and her husband Kim Shultz picked up about 3.5 pounds of mostly plastic trash in half hour at the Boardwalk Beach!
Trash people left at the beach at the Boardwalk: kids flip-flops, water bottles, many bottle capps, cigarettes, tent spikes, silverware,plastic toys, lots of wrappers, foam and plastic pieces... Once inside the ocean all this plastic breaks out in tiny pieces which act as a toxic dust in the ocean becoming part of the food chain, releasing toxins into fishes stomachs and showing up on our dinner table!
Grey Bears Celebration
United Way Stuff the Bus Backpack event for back to school supplies for kids.
The Scotts Valley Rotary is celebrating induction of a new member: Susan Riddle, Executive Secretary at the Bay Federal Credit Union, and two Red Badgers turning to Blue Badgers: Tanya Krause, Superintendent of the School District (SVUSD) and Sira Taylor Real Estate Agent. We are so happy these great ladies are in our club! Congratulations!! 
Gifted sculpture from the Rotarians in Taipei!
Idris Goodwin is an award winning scriptwriter, breakbeat poet, educator and director of The Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center at Colorado College. He was recently named a 2021 United States Artist Fellow. He quoted his father: A thing is what a thing does. And so us Rotarians, our actions show who we are.
The 7th and newest cause of Rotary- Protection of the Environment. Richard King says Rotary is in the business of men kind and of humanity. Now we are also in the business of planet sustainability.
Dr Aylward from WHO, said Rotarians have the KnowHow to prepare communities for public vaccinations as they learned from eradication of Polio; Rotarians have the contacts with local and National leaders needed to provide access to sites, and the perseverance which it takes to help to curb Covid in the poorest countries of the world. He encourages Rotarians to participate.
RI President Elect Shekhar Mehta has a dream, he likes to reach 1.3 million members by July 1st 2022! To reach this dream he likes Each One to Bring One!! If each Rotarian brings just 1 more member we can do it!
Holger Knaack, Rotary International President; Rotary Club of Herzogtum Lauenburg-Mölln, Germany. He is holding a small model of the Taipei Rotarians sculpture a Dialoge between Time and Space. RI President Holger said : "Taking care of our planet we show respect to future generations." "If you are a Rotarian you are an activist!" "Service Above Self is a reason for being. It is an opportunity to better our selves!" Congratulations for your year Mr President!
Beautiful and fun Hike celebrated our first in person get together at the East Glenwood Preserve in Scotts Valley! 😊 Then, we ate our brown-bag lunches at Patrizia's from yard lawn, and personally gave our newest member Bob Anthony his member package and pin! He is one of us now!
Scotts Valley Senior Center - Clean Up Day for reopening of the Center by many local service clubs.
— Organized by Darshana Croskrey, Senior center Director", by Cindy Schuette
Group photo of members of Scotts valley Service organizations including Exchange, Kiwanis, Lions & Rotary Clubs.
A very fun Debunking Aloha Party for our great President Cindy Schuette! 
Here is her message to us:
"Thank you to our Rotary Club of Scotts Valley 'Ohana' (family). My husband, Bill and Santa Cruz Rotarian always tells me that "time flies by when you are having fun." Yes, two years did fly-zoom by. This was made possible by all of the members and friends of our Rotary club. Thank you for your support and commitment to service above self for our club and community. Thank you for the many accolades and Proclamation Day Award.
Our new President, Patrizia Materassi for 2021-2022 is ready to start her year in July. I am looking forward to her year and know she will bring some new ideas and move our club forward to greater accomplishments. Since the 4th of July falls on Sunday this year, our club will have no meeting on Monday July 5. The gavel will be passed at Patrizia's first meeting on July 12.
Mahalo to you all for your 'Aloha' Spirit (Aloha has many meanings and two are 'deep caring' and 'love'. Mahalo and Aloha to all.
Cindy Schuette, Your President 2019-2021"
Derek Timn, the Mayor of Scotts Valley made a great presentation on the status of the city. He shared with us how the city survived the terrible fires, where police and Fire and partnerships with other Agencis all saved our lives and our city. He talked about the impact of Covid on local businesses and the great partnership with the Chamber. Went over projects in the works and financial considerations. 
Derek Timn -Scotts Valley Mayor Derek Timn is a small business owner and an attorney who practiced law with Seyfarth Shaw and Ropers Majeski, worked as VP, Business Development of Wish.com and founded Montalvo Homes & Estates.

His community work includes six years as President of the Scotts Valley Educational Foundation, Chair of the SV Planning Commission and Chair of Save Our Schools, where he helped pass 3 measures for Scotts Valley Schools including Measure A to rebuild the Scotts Valley Middle School. In 2017 he was honored as Scotts Valley Man of the Year and in 2018 was elected to the Scotts Valley City Council.
Ginaia Kelly, Executive Director, presented on the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Foundation. She stated a National marine sanctuary is like a national park underwater. The purpose of the Foundation is to educate the community in their interaction with the ocean, and protect the Sanctuary environment and resources by supporting its programs, projects, and partnerships.
Ginaia Kelly is the Executive Director of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Foundation with more than 15 years of leadership experience with global and local nonprofit organizations. She has lived near the sanctuary for over 25 years and spent much of that time advocating for its conservation and protection.

Before joining MBNMS Foundation, Kelly served as the Board Chairperson for Save Our Shores, as well as the Interim Executive Director of Save Our Shores and Save the Waves Foundation. She led the Santa Cruz County Chapter of the American Red Cross and was the Director of Workforce Development Services, Santa Cruz County, as well as served as a consultant to several marine conservation nonprofit start-ups. Kelly holds a law degree and worked as an attorney in Santa Cruz for many years before making the jump to full-time non-profit management.

She holds a BA from University of California, Santa Barbara and a J.D. from University of San Diego School of Law. Kelly and her family have volunteered for numerous community organizations, including having volunteered to take children with disabilities out surfing in the sanctuary with Ride A Wave Foundation for 19 years.

Kelly lives along the coast in Davenport with her husband and two sons. She is a former competitive surfer and professional high diver. She can still often be found having "board meetings" at Steamer's Lane.
RotaCare in 3 ways: Our own Past District Governor Ron Sekkel made a great presentation. He focused his program on 3 ways of participating at RotaCare:
- The Santa Cruz RotaCare Free Medical Clinic, currently located at Star of the Sea Church to serve the uninsured & underserved with access to healthcare. https://www.rotacarebayarea.org/santacruz
- RotaCare Bay Area, Inc., a 501.c.3, serving the SF Bay Area with 10 Free Medical Clinics, which includes the Santa Cruz Clinic, and
- RotaCare Free Clinics, Inc., a separate 501.c.3, with the intent purpose of helping other regions in the United States to start new Free Clinics. We currently have clinics in New York, El Paso, Texas, and Washington. We are developing clinics in San Antonio & Houston, Texas, Jacksonville, Florida, and in Idaho Falls, Idaho.
Ron was instrumental in mobilizing support to provide Covid-19 PPEs for medical workers and patients of 7 of the RotaCare Bay Area, Inc. Clinics via a Rotary Foundation Global Grant. The Rotary Club of Alameda, our international partner club from South Africa, and private donors as Ron, and the immediate Past Governor of District 5170, Ramesh Hariharan, participated in raising $41,000 to buy the PPEs for 7 of the clinics. A separate Grant with the help of 26 Rotary Clubs in District 5160 led by Past President Steve Polcyn of the Alamo Rotary Club raised $51,000 to buy PPEs for the other 3 clubs. Congratulations Ron and much appreciation for all those many who participated in supporting such a worthy cause.
Manu Koenig, first district Supervisor shared his background with us and presented the County of
Santa Cruz major issues and his proposals for new policies and change. He updated us on the
County approval for potential tiny houses built though partnerships to house the homeless.  
Manu Koenig serves as First District Supervisor for Santa Cruz County. The District includes Live Oak, Pleasure Point, Soquel Village, Happy Valley, Soquel San Jose Rd, and a large portion of the Summit area. Parts of the cities of Santa Cruz, Capitola and Scotts Valley are included as well. Manu was originally elected to the Board of Supervisors in 2020.
Prior to his election to the Board, Manu worked for several technology startups including Paystand in Scotts Valley. He was Executive Director of Santa Cruz County Greenway and worked on Measure L in Capitola to "Save Our Trestle" for bikes and pedestrians.
From 2011 to 2018 Manu was CEO and Founder of Civinomics.
The local startup created an online application for citizens to propose and vote on new policy online. It also conducted polling and survey research for local government agencies throughout Santa Cruz County and the Bay Area.
Manu was born and raised in Santa Cruz and has family in Corralitos and Live Oak. He has a Bachelor's degree from Stanford University and he is an avid surfer, cyclist and climber. Manu lives in Live Oak with his fiancée Leah
Thomas Wynn, CEO of WCM came to our club and responded to numerous financial questions, investment trading strategies, and on recent stock market manipulations that many believe needs to be regulated. Thomas stated he is a Fiduciary Advisor since start meaning first comes duty to shareholders.  
In 2003 Thomas founded Wynn Capital Management with a vision of offering the advanced trading strategies normally reserved for institutions and hedge funds to individual investors—at a fraction of the cost.

Thomas worked on the floor of the Pacific Stock Exchange in San Francisco from 1981 to 1996. Starting as a “runner” Thomas eventually became an equity and options market maker in 1985.

On July 1, 1987 with starting capital of $25,000 Thomas formed his own trading company, Wynn Options. Four months later on Oct 19th Thomas was on the floor of the exchange trading for his own account during “Black Monday” the –23% single day decline that shook global markets.
Thomas survived an event that wiped out many professional traders and went on to have a successful nine year career as a floor trader. Thomas bought a seat on the exchange in 1989 and trained and financed other traders.
Thomas is active in the Santa Cruz community and is currently: Board Member, Santa Cruz Chamber of Commerce ; Guest lecturer in Economics at the University of California Santa Cruz; Past President of the San Lorenzo Valley Chamber of Commerce 2009–2011; Member of the SLV Rotary Club.
Ken Doctor made a presentation and shared with us about this news company...."Lookout is an emerging network of, digital-only, mobile-first, editorially robust, " ...local media outlet offering community-centric; news and resources." 
"Lookout Mission: We believe in American democracy and the power of local communities to better themselves. We know that high-quality, trustworthy, non-partisan and connect-the-dots local news reporting is essential to the strengthening of those communities and our country in the 2020s.

Acting on that belief, we’ve created Lookout Local.

Lookout is an emerging network of, digital-only, mobile-first, editorially robust, intensely local media outlets offering community-centric news and resources.

The company’s network of websites will serve small to mid-sized markets, repopulating news and advertising deserts with modern, vibrant news products.
As Donor Services Officer of the Santa Cruz County Community Foundation, Hilary is excited to work with current and future donors in planning and creating funds for immediate giving and future giving to help our community thrive. She is passionate about providing opportunities for youth and protection of our environment. She has over twenty-five years of experience as a local government official, tech entrepreneur, and civic leader in Santa Cruz and is excited to share her love of Santa Cruz County with donors.
After she graduated from UC Santa Cruz with a B.A. in Biology, she chose to make Santa Cruz her home. Hilary worked as a real estate broker and met her husband, Dr. David Shuman, a veterinarian. Together, they built Westside Animal Hospital in downtown Santa Cruz. An active volunteer, she was appointed to the City’s Parks and Recreation Commission, and in 2010, was elected to the Santa Cruz City Council, serving as Vice Mayor in 2012 and Mayor in 2013. During her Council term, Hilary combined her knowledge of regional outdoor resources, business, and technical expertise to help Santa Cruz address critical issues. She worked to grow and retain businesses in Santa Cruz, was active in the endeavor to bring the Santa Cruz Warriors to the City, led efforts to establish the City’s first Open Data Ordinance, and also developed the first Santa Cruz Youth City Council in partnership with eight local schools. Most recently, Hilary co-founded Buoy Labs, a water-saving technology startup, which was acquired by Resideo Technologies in 2019. She also enjoys surfing, swimming, running, biking, and tries to keep up with her two teenagers in all of their various activities. She currently serves on several area non-profit boards, including Digital NEST and Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Foundation. Hillary is also a member and Past President of the Santa Cruz Sunrise Rotary.
Bebo White is Emeritus at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, the National Lab operated by Stanford University. He is also a Visiting Professor at The University of Hong Kong. Bebo became fascinated by the world of cryptocurrency after teaching a course about E-Commerce Technology and has been researching, speaking, and teaching about it for the past 10 years. Additional information about him can be found at https://www.linkedin.com/in/bebo-white-763604/
Greg Lukina is a Realtor with David Lyng Real Estate since 2013 after working for Cahill Contractors, Inc., S.F. as Senior Project Manager. His last project at Cahill was the construction of a $31.5 million, 120-unit apartment project in the Transbay Redevelopment District in the heart of downtown San Francisco. Prior to 2013, he was an engineer at Treadwell & Rollo, Inc., a San Francisco based geotechnical and environmental engineering firm. He earned his M.B.A. from UC Berkeley's Haas School of Business and an M.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering with a focus in Geotechnical Engineering from the UC Berkeley. He also holds a B.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the UC Berkeley. In 2018, he became a full-time REALTOR with David Lyng Real Estate. 
1. Promoting peace
2. Fighting disease
3. Providing clean water, sanitation and hygiene
4. Saving mothers and children
5. Supporting education
6. Growing local economies
7. Protecting the environment
Celebrating Past-President and Charter member Jun Lee. Jun became an honorary member after his illness. We miss him and send our condolences to his widow Carol and family.
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Jimmy Carter's vision for peace

This story appeared in the February 2018 issue of Rotary magazine.  It’s a crisp, sunny day in late October, and school groups are touring the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library in

Espresso in a war zone

Adventure or misadventure, roving correspondent Scott Simon finds enlightenment in a life of travels

The liberation of Julie Mulligan

After being kidnapped abroad, Rotarian Julie Mulligan set out to live a more authentic life of Service Above Self

Unforgettable evenings in Calgary

Signature events at the 2025 Rotary convention include dinner at Rotarians’ homes, a country music jamboree, and boot-stompin’ celebrations of the Western culture in Calgary.

Art for advocacys sake

Student artists spread the word about cervical cancer with works they’ve created through the Rotary member-led program United to End Cervical Cancer in Egypt.