Gifted sculpture from the Rotarians in Taipei!
Idris Goodwin is an award winning scriptwriter, breakbeat poet, educator and director of The Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center at Colorado College. He was recently named a 2021 United States Artist Fellow. He quoted his father: A thing is what a thing does. And so us Rotarians, our actions show who we are.
The 7th and newest cause of Rotary- Protection of the Environment. Richard King says Rotary is in the business of men kind and of humanity. Now we are also in the business of planet sustainability.
Dr Aylward from WHO, said Rotarians have the KnowHow to prepare communities for public vaccinations as they learned from eradication of Polio; Rotarians have the contacts with local and National leaders needed to provide access to sites, and the perseverance which it takes to help to curb Covid in the poorest countries of the world. He encourages Rotarians to participate.
RI President Elect Shekhar Mehta has a dream, he likes to reach 1.3 million members by July 1st 2022! To reach this dream he likes Each One to Bring One!! If each Rotarian brings just 1 more member we can do it!
Holger Knaack, Rotary International President; Rotary Club of Herzogtum Lauenburg-Mölln, Germany. He is holding a small model of the Taipei Rotarians sculpture a Dialoge between Time and Space. RI President Holger said : "Taking care of our planet we show respect to future generations." "If you are a Rotarian you are an activist!" "Service Above Self is a reason for being. It is an opportunity to better our selves!" Congratulations for your year Mr President!