Tanya Krause, Principal at Scotts Valley Unified School District, and Kim Shultz, Board Trustee, presented on the School District accomplishments for the year, including an update of the successful completion of the Middle School construction project; on a new program to serve at risk and other students which has potential to increase the number of students in the District therefore increase reven...ues; professional development for staff; their renewed support to Mark Andrews environmental programs including the GreenTeam and the Marine Debris Program and many more.
https:// scottsvalley-ca.schoolloop. com/pf4/cms2_site/ view_deployment?d=x&theme_i d=i2m8fr1rn7p19w&group_id= 1500178971337
Tanya has now a “corporate” type membership recently approved and activated which allows teachers, Board members, and staff to alternate with Tanya to attend our Rotary meetings. Welcome aboard Tanya!! We are so please to have you as part of our club!
Tanya has now a “corporate” type membership recently approved and activated which allows teachers, Board members, and staff to alternate with Tanya to attend our Rotary meetings. Welcome aboard Tanya!! We are so please to have you as part of our club!