Cindy Schuette, our Scotts Valley Rotary President serving for a second year, presided over the Kick-off Meeting for the new Club Year on July 13, 2020!

At our Club Assembly held on 6/29 we reviewed our club accomplishments for 2019-2020 that focused on club Membership, Youth, Fellowship, Seniors/Food Program and International. We then reviewed our goals for this new year within the RI President's theme: "Rotary Opens Opportunities", in 3 breakout rooms. Participanting were club members, Interact and Rotaract.
Highlighs included staying the course and continuing with our annual programs: Student awards/scholarships, Interact Student Leadership program, support of UCSC Rotaract; continue to grow our membership; connect more with Interact and Rotaract, and look at ways to engage them with the middle and elementary schools. Add a project in the new 7th Area of Rotary Focus-Supporting the Environment; and maintain our social media presence.
We are in a challenging time and will continue to be strong and persevere and carry on doing the best that we can to serve our community—everyone. There are challenges at all levels of Rotary International and like our Rotarian leaders, I believe that we will adapt and evolve into an even stronger Rotary.

Thank you for being part of our Rotary Team Family